Tuesday 1 November 2016

Please help my friend! / Why does this s***t always happen to me?!

Hello again!!

Look at this 2 blog posts near each other can you believe it?! This is actually 1st November. If it gets scheduled or goes up today I'm not sure. To be fair, everyone knows I'll save it and forget for weeks that I haven't published it and then this whole part will be irrelevant but never mind. 

I had to share my terrible week with you. I'm not even sure it counts as a week when we're only on Tuesday but hey I'll add to it if this crap continues. 

Firstly I have an important help notice. 

My friend Sky (@SkyCC_GA on twitter she has a blog too so check that out <https://skylouiseryan.wordpress.com/) is collecting cards for her friends niece who is going through treatment for her second lot of cancer and she's very sick. So if you can help please do! Give her a DM on twitter and she'll send you the address to send them too. Please help as much as you can, it's great to make a little girl smile :) 

Thank you, in advance. 

Now onto my week. 

So, as you know dissertation blah. I was meant to go home to my friends Halloween party on Saturday and I was so sick and busy that I couldn't go. Pissed them right off. Shit. 

Also, I ordered a pizza, actually 2 pizzas. You can judge. I'm a hungry person. Damn. So I ordered 2 gluten free, vegan pizzas, from Zizzi's (which is expensive AF) and no I'm not rich but I was hungry and I can't eat normal food so I though treat yo self gurl you've been working hard. So I did. Using the trusty deliveroo. 

And yano what the delivery guy did?! SMASHED UP MY HOLY GRAIL PIZZAS. I'll insert my email to deliveroo. Cos damn I can't think about it again. It was the most horrific experience. 



Tonight I ordered 2 gluten free vegan pizzas using your service. I've used you before and had no issue but tonight was terrible.

When the delivery guy eventually found me he takes out an extremely battered box with cheese all over the opening and then puts the less battered box on top looks at my horrified face and says here you are.

I'm praying that my glorious pizza is fine whilst I walk up the stairs to my apartment. Turns out it wasn't ! It was so badly smashed up that it was bearly recognisable, there was no topping left on the first pizza at all! It was all over the box no cheese, no sauce, just a very soggy all folded over, smashed up base. It was disgusting.

But I still had the shining light of the next pizza. Until I opened it. And it too was in a very sorry state. Topping gone from half of it all in the box up the sides. EVERYWHERE but not on my pizza!!! Also with a smashed up base.

It really isn't acceptable and if I wasn't about to pass out from starvation I'd have left it as inedible. But I had just paid £16 for this rubbish and I'm not made of money. I only ate one because a soggy base with no sauce and no topping is really disgusting.

Please can you help, (i.e. give me a refund because I'm really not happy and neither is the pizza)


<<<insert<<< the rest of the night I spent throwing up that pizza. Not ok.

There's so much and its already 11.30pm. I am TIRED.

I'm actually sick all the time but I'll talk about that another time. So sometimes things are harder than normal but its cool.

Right so, I go to tesco, yesterday? Day before? I'm loosing track of days so bad I've barely been out my room the past 4/5 days.

Honestly, I'm gonna have to finish this another time because I have Tesco stories, Morrison's stories, Curry explosion stories, and I have the concentration span of a fish right now.

In short - dude was a dick to me in Tesco, went to Morrison's weird check out guy just stared at my tits and wouldn't speak to me. Even though I had a mans NUFC football shirt on and my big puffer jacket. It was weird. To top it off finally got hungry after being sick and the curry exploded all over my shitty microwave. It's gone everywhere and I can't deal with it. Like nope. No thanks.

I've also done my washing tonight. I left it too long in the dryer - and have I checked it to see if its wearable anymore? Hell no I haven't. It's in last years Tesco shopper Christmas bag and I'm building up to dealing with it but not tonight satan.

Something else that happened today - I ate a punnet full of grapes in about an hour and then had explosive diarrhoea. All my shit fell out the cupboard onto my HOT stove top and I burnt my hands. Then I was washing up and sliced a chunk out of my hand. Great day.

I'll catch up tomorrow.




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