Monday 31 October 2016

Am I an adult now?

Hello people of the internet!

Once again you find me cake in hand pondering my life choices and not doing what I'm meant to be. What a day.

You know what I bought today?
 A hoover. Not even a proper one. A handheld hoover.
A doormat. Because my 1 room studio needs something else unnecessary taking up more space.
A rug. See above.

Oh and a carrier bag. Which none of my stuff fitted in so they gave me a massive plastic sack that dragged on the floor the whole 30 minute walk home and into the lift because no way was I dragging it up 3 flights of stairs. I barely had any arms left as it was.

Anyway, getting to the point.
Does this make me an adult now I bought home appliances? Or am I only an adult when I get a fridge? Or a washing machine? A friend told me the other day, (by that I mean, recently, last month, last year, could be a few years a go, hard to tell), (also hold onto your hats we're about to get philosophical) that you don't really become an adult until you have kids. Which I'm more than happy with. But if someone never has children are they never an adult? Forever a child? I'm confused.

Does this mean I can still go trick or treating ? Watch kids programmes on TV and not do any work or have any responsibilities? I'm down with that.

Also, I really like Times New Roman. Which I think is the pivotal moment of adulthood.

What else is new?

I got a new job. Thats new news.
More importantly, I watched all 3 seasons of H2O: Just add water, in about 3 days. Thats 78 half hour episodes. It's a lot. But I regret nothing, Honestly, best 3 days of my life. I sat in bed, ate cake, with 2 fluffy blankets and watched Netflix non-stop. Of course I was meant to be doing other things, like that 2000 word chapter of my dissertation that should have been handed in a few weeks ago, at least last week, it's still not finished, I've written about 1000 words, it's not good. Well its complete trash if I'm honest but lets stay positive!

I'm also dealing with THE WORST period pain in the world.

So if anyone wants me I'll be in bed, on Twitter (*hint* @Rebecca_GAx *hint* ) eating cake and watching Netflix.

(Also the new doormat stops my door from opening. What a great purchase.)

Until next time!


Inspirational cake related quote to go with my Cherry Bakewells. 

Quality gif for a quality blog post.

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