Wednesday 30 November 2016

Meeting Grace and Mamrie - This Might Get Weird Ya'll - Dublin

Hey guys!

I've been to Dublin! Well I went to Dublin. First time on a plane in 4 years. I totally shit my pants on the flight out there. I did all my security liquid things wrong. (Side note - its 1 ziplock bag. Who knew how important that would be!)

So storytime, I went on a much needed break with my bff. Honestly, so needed for both of us it was GREAT! The whole point of us going was for the This Might Get Weird Ya'll Show, if you don't know, have you been living under a rock? Are you over 50 with no children? It's Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart's comedy show and damn it's funny. Again, if you don't know who they are go suck a lil softie (TMGWY joke. lol) and get on YouTube. Whilst you're there go watch the show. Because shit it was funny. I cry laughed. And I needed to pee for the WHOLE SHOW because I broke the seal before we went in and fucked it right up. We were front row and I didn't want to miss a thing so I held it the fuck in like a BO$$. If I can post clips and stuff here I will. But I'm basically a grandma with technology like this so don't hold your breath.

Also gifs, because I have such a good story about my friend waking herself up with a fart and be silently laughing so hard I nearly fell off the bed. So if you know the Mamrie story about waking herself up farting on Grace's sofa. THAT.

The night after the show the hotel's fire alarm goes off at 3am. That's as dramatic as it sounds. I sat bolt upright like wtf is going on. My friend woke up in the bed next to me and we're just looking at each other like dude whats going on?

>insert that meme of the lass and the hand and the hair (you know the one, don't lie you use it all the time)<

So I'm trying to get my trainers on that are tied and can't get on, my friend is at the door talking to the old women in the hall (which were delightful btw) and I'm running to the door with one shoe on the alarm is going on and off we've got no idea what's going on. This woman comes down the corridor with her fur jacket on over her pyjamas very Devil Wears Prada/Cruella Deville and she goes "there's a slight smell of smoke coming from down there" like cool lady thank you for that. So we go back in decide we're gonna put all the important stuff we need like phone, passport, boarding passes, keys, and go find out what the hell is going on. We really looked stupid and the alarm is still going on or off and we're so tired and have no idea what's going on. So we go outside and the woman from across the hall decides she's gonna come on the adventure with us to find reception because god forbid they'd actually answer the phone from the hotel room. Picture this, theres me, in my pyjamas with bright red trainers on, a red oversized hoodie, hair all over the place and a ruck sack; my friend, in pretty much the same state, and this old irish woman who was so brilliant and sassy and totally done with this situation. Like she might as well have had her hair curlers in and I seem to remember her having a dressing gown but honestly it was early, could've been anything. We're all storming down the corridor like something out of ghost busters.

>insert picture of the badass bitches<

Looked more like this ngl

We're walking with purpose but have no idea where we're going. This hotel is a MAZE. So we follow those green signs all the doors have been shut and the doors to the lifts are locked we're ending up in the back end of beyond on concrete stairs finding back kitchens in this hotel but no way to reception. This, I'm saying 70 year old woman, is running around this hotel whilst we're behind barely bloody breathing.

Safe to say, we didn't find the stairs to reception so we gave up and called the outside line of the hotel to be told "Yeah its a false alarm" Twats. Although we did receive an apology note in the morning. Wasn't enough F U Gresham damn we were TIRED.

There's probably other stories from this trip but I'll have to think about them for a bit longer. As you know I'm gluten and dairy intolerant and I ate gluten and dairy about an hour ago, so I'm a ticking time bomb just now.

Grace and Mames were just amazing though, the most talented, funny people (aside from myself) that I've ever met. They deserve the world and if you don't think that I'm going to send them some selfie merch of my face for Christmas you are wrong. Because I've already been eyeing that up. I was meant to give them Grinch onesies but onesies are big damn. And they didn't sell them in the irish version of Primark so I was screwed. But don't be disappointed. You wait for those coasters and t-shirts.

If you ever find this girls, in my tiny corner of the internet that I'm totally going to send you lol. Hiiiiiii! My life is different now! I deserved a drink and I loved it. Let's not get too deep ;) AYYYYYYY. lolololol. It was great meeting you and my joke was meant to come off better but my wick was so cold from the hall I could barely speak. But you're gorgeous and talented and I send you all the love. Also, thanks for the hugs you special ladies.


here we are - I have some great ones pulling the FITTEST faces. Looking great gals.

I don't know how to post videos on here so go to YouTube dummies. Jk love ya xoxo

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