Sunday 29 January 2017

Dear Jen Dent || Thank you

Firstly, hi again! Happy New Year? Is it too late for that? Have I already said that? I don't know. Well you're welcome anyway. Hope you're having a great January.

This post is dedicated to Jen Dent.

If you don't know who that is, firstly, where you been girl?? Let me introduce you...

Jen Dent, is amongst other things, a YouTuber, Nurse, Author and Advocate for Sexual Assault and Rape. But most of all this lady is amazing.

Jen's YouTube Channel

I want you to know that this is entirely how I feel. I might not be too specific, I don't know yet. I don't know who reads this so I can't say everything personal to my circumstances.

Jen is the funny lady of the internet, she does tell funny stories, they make me laugh, I am a poppet and an ominous baby duck. (Inside joke) But at heart she's an advocate for what's right. She's brave, so so brave. And she's not afraid to speak out. Using her own personal experiences to help others. It's admirable. She's also victim (I hate using that word, but I can't think of another one) to a lot of online hate that she doesn't deserve.

Jen's latest video < What I'm about to say is related to this video but the other ones too.

Dear Jen,

Thank you.

That could be all of it, a simple 'Thank you.' But that isn't enough. You hit every nail on the head with that last video. I had so much to say, but the words have gone. I'm grateful that you're using your platform for this Jen. More than anything. You've helped me come to terms and understand things that happened to me a lot more. I've been able to talk. Something that I didn't have before. I felt like I'd been muted. But I haven't, and you helped me find my voice. So thank you. Everything you said in that video really resinated with me, so thank you. Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do. You are an amazing woman so thank you. I do struggle with what happened, not all the time, but some times. It has affected a lot of my life in ways that I'm still finding out. But that's happened to you too, so it makes me feel okay about it. More normal, that I'm not weird, that it's okay to feel like this. So thank you.

This should be longer. I have a lot to say. Maybe I'll add to it at another time, but I needed to write something down.

I'm very grateful for everything you've done Jen.

Thank you


Jens links;

Jen's YouTube Channel
Snapchat: jendentvine1

PO Box 571
Emporia, VA 23847

If you or someone you know needs to talk about sexual assault or rape:

Go to
Or you can call 800.656.HOPE

Jen also writes and makes videos for Project Consent so go check out what they're about.

This is copied from one of Jens YouTube videos so click all the links for that >>>

The mission of PROJECT CONSENT is:

AWARENESS: Much like a doctor must diagnose a disease before treating it, the first step in combating rape culture is raising awareness to the public and promoting an understanding that there is a grievous issue with the way sexual assault is treated in society. The conversation about sexual assault is one that must occur in order for change to take place within all society.

EDUCATION: To deconstruct the negative status quo of sexual assault’s blasé treatment, we aim to educate the public on important topics and opening the doors for conversations about rape culture. We intend to oppose toxic ways of thinking by promoting ideas of consent as a necessity, not a luxury or a trivial matter. Education is vital to a better groundwork.

PROMOTION: In order for change to occur, action must be taken towards the damaging constructs set in place. Here, we work to promote all of our followers to take a stand against sexual assault by refusing to allow rape culture to continue. As we can only inspire others to join in, it takes a collective effort to truly defeat rape culture once and for all.


To read the articles that I write for PROJECT CONSENT: Go to and click on "Menu" then click on "Content".

Specific links to my articles: 
"What happens when you get caught up in the likes" -

"Lucky for us, these women shared their truths" -