Monday 5 September 2016

Hiya! Come on in !

Hello everyone! (I say everyone but I doubt many of you are here yet...)

Come in, take a seat.


Biscuit?                                                         I'll get the tin.

I hope you're all well and welcome to my brand spanking shiny new blog!

I don't think I've introduced myself yet... apologies... my names Rebecca but I go by Bex or Becky, you'll see. I answer to most things to be fair.

Currently, I'm 21 and live in Newcastle Upon Tyne. I'm in my last year of university and I've wanted to start this for a long time but never found the spare hours to get started.

I'm hoping for this to document my travels and adventures in my last year of uni and moving on wherever that will take me. Please come along on this journey with me!

Let's get started!



Dear future self,

I hope everything is going well and you're still keep up with this! I hope you've learnt to stop eating the Yorkshire puddings and stuffing, don't tell yourself it'll be fine this time because you know full well it won't. You've had too many sleepless nights from it. Also, buy some nice things for the new flat. Good luck!